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Who is Alden?

Alden is a non-binary, gender fluid, sparkle loving human who is continually changing, growing and learning about themsleves. They believe the joy of being human comes from making mistakes, growing from struggle and finding genuine people to support you through life.


They love to celebrate the small things and laugh as much as possible. Working with Rebels of the Moon has been  life changing for Alden.  The youth of today are teachers for all of us. Those in the queer community are leading the way and showing us how to explore, examine and honor all parts of who we are.

"I am honored to meet every Rebel that crosses my path."

Alden has a background and degree in Nueroscience, Nature & Agriculture Therapy, Hatha Yoga, Lomi Massage, Ha Breathe Work, Wilderness Emergency Medicine, Doula Support, and Ellen Tadd's Wise Frame Work I&II. Each training brings them closer to fostering belogning and radical self-love in this wild world.

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